Multiplayer Draw Poker is a free GNU GPL licensed game for the Win32 platform (Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7), currently supported and maintained by Piero Toffanin. If you enjoy the game, please consider making a donation to help me have an opportunity to buy a dedicated server to host with consistency the lobby multiplayer.
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Draw poker is any poker variant in which each player is dealt a complete hand before the first betting round, and then develops the hand for later rounds by replacing, or "drawing", cards. (Read more at: - A 3D accelerometer based game for the iPhone/iTouch. - A 3D Blackjack Trainer for the PC Platform. - An italian website containing several flash games freely playable.
Want to help me improve the software? Please contact me at: admin [at] pierotofy [dot] it. Any questions or comments are welcome.